Why do I need a toner?
Soap, diet, skincare products and even tap water can disrupt the delicate pH balance of our skin, which should be around 5.5, which can lead to irritation and inflammation. The BALANCING TONER works to help to correct your pH after cleansing.
Will the BALANCING TONER dry out my skin?
No. The BALANCING TONER gently removes oil build-up and balances the pH level of your skin and ingredients like Beta Glucan and Panthenol soothe irritated, sensitive skin while Hyaluronic Acid delivers hydration.
Can I use the BALANCING TONER daily?
Yes, the BALANCING TONER can be used daily after cleansing your skin and before applying serums and moisturizers.
Why do I need a toner?
Soap, diet, skincare products and even tap water can disrupt the delicate pH balance of our skin, which should be around 5.5, which can lead to irritation and inflammation. The BALANCING TONER works to help to correct your pH after cleansing.
Will the BALANCING TONER dry out my skin?
Yes, the BALANCING TONER can be used daily after cleansing your skin and before applying serums and moisturizers.